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Book an Event

This is one of the core reasons we built this section of Reach, to manage your showings and track all your activity you do on a Listing. If you are syncing your Events with Google or Outlook, having all the Events for your Listings in your mobile device's calendar is a game changer. Everything you book in Reach, appears in your calendar neat and tidy.

Each Listing has an "Activity Tab" at the bottom of the screen that shows your Events in chronological order and any outstanding associated Tasks you have for that Listing. This becomes a great snapshot for you to update clients on showings, how many open houses you've done, and a reference for later if you want to track what Agents you've shown the property to.

Reach gives you 2 options to book an Event:

  1. General Event (No Buyer Agent details)
  2. Showing Event (Buyer Agent details are requested)

Book a Showing

  1. In the sidebar, click on Listings
  2. Select the Listing you want to book a showing for
  3. Click on Book Event


  1. Select Listing Showing

Although you can create a General Event that is linked to a Listing, we recommend using the dedicated Listing Showing option for showings

  1. The Title and Location are already pre-populated (these will get synced and appear in your Google / Outlook calendar).
  2. If applicable, invite any team members as Attendees or make someone primarily responsible for the Showing by making them a Delegate
  3. Enter the Buyer's Agent
  4. Enter an optional Note.



If you have synced Reach with Google or Outlook, your new event should already be there! For mobile devices or other synced calendars and apps it may take a few moments to update and sync.